With Over 250 Great People Working there. He’s a Rock Star, Period.

Carlos Cashman

Co-Founder of Thrasio - 2020 Unicorn

Carlos Cashman
amz allstars teamamz allstars team

With Over 250 Great People Working there. He’s a Rock Star, Period.

Carlos Cashman

Co-Founder of Thrasio - 2020 Unicorn

amz allstars teamamz allstars team

We credit Erick with introducing us to selling on Amazon.com in the very early days and with training members of our original senior team as we developed the business model, formed the team and fueled the growth.

Erick was instrumental in that time period with knowledge and introductions in the Amazon ecosystem. He then went on to build our amazing Philippines operation into one of the best reviewed employers with over 250 great people working there. He's a rock star, period.